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Klein All-Weather Wicker Outdoor Rocking Lounge Chairs - Set of 2 , Set of 2, Gray | Pottery Barn

The Outdoor Klein All-Weather Wicker Rocking Lounge Chairs are a perfect addition to your outdoor space. Expertly crafted from powder-coated aluminum and hand woven resin wicker in a Black or Gray finish, these chairs come with seat cushions upholstered with acrylic fabric and filled with foam. The cushion slip cover features a zipper closure an…
The Outdoor Klein All-Weather Wicker Rocking Lounge Chairs are a perfect addition to your outdoor space. Expertly crafted from powder-coated aluminum and hand woven resin wicker in a Black or Gray finish, these chairs come with seat cushions upholstered with acrylic fabric and filled with foam. The cushion slip cover features a zipper closure and the fabric is rated 500 hour UV-resistant.
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Pottery Barn
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The Outdoor Klein All-Weather Wicker Rocking Lounge Chairs are a perfect addition to your outdoor space. Expertly crafted from powder-coated aluminum and hand woven resin wicker in a Black or Gray finish, these chairs come with seat cushions upholstered with acrylic fabric and filled with foam. The cushion slip cover features a zipper closure and the fabric is rated 500 hour UV-resistant.

Cechy produktu

Number of Chairs in a Set2